Human Love and Nature Poetry Anthology
February 24, 2024
Desri Maria Sumbayak, Dhea Adelia Zai, Uswatun Rafi’A Pasaribu, Geubrina Ramadhani Iskandar, Vinjellina Batubara + 36 more authors


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Human Love and Nature Poetry Anthology Image

As a Literature lecturer, I frequently find myself intrigued by the significance of Literature for
my Gen Z students. After examining poetry using specific theories and discussing the components
of poetry (such as sound devices and language devices), the students in my Theory of Literature 1
class were provided with a workshop to compose a poem.
I strongly agree with the statement by Wellek and Warren (1942) that literature reflects real
life. I believe that my young students possess profound thoughts, emotions, and experiences related
to their own lives.
I am greatly surprised that my students were able to produce such exceptional poems on the
themes of Human, Love, and Nature. This anthology of poetry was collected, designed, and edited
by a dedicated team and myself within a period of three months.
The poetry anthology is expected to be published as a result of the literary class that utilizes a
project-based learning approach. The publication process goes beyond just utilizing the students'
literary knowledge and also incorporates their talents and passion in art, design, and technology.
Although it is still far from perfect, I believe this project has the potential to inspire those who
enjoy reading it.
I would like to express my gratitude to the amazing team (Rosalyn Magdalena Br. Sitorus,
Fadila Fitriana, Fahri Afandi, Fahri Salim, Geubrina Ramadhani Iskandar, and Jihan Azmi
Kusmawan) and specifically to Mahmud Arif Albar S.S M.A, The Head of English Department,
Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sumatra Utara, who has provided invaluable support for
this publication.

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